Monday, June 2, 2008

Stranger things...

Just a short entry today. I have been trying to find some traditional Saudi children's clothes for my sister's kids, but to no avail. I have asked several people and I always end up being directed to stores that sell blue jeans and "the Gap" t-shirts. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that the tradition clothing of Saudi Arabia consists of blue jeans and baby Gap. That, however, is only the frame of the story. During my meanderings in the market I saw a store that sold movies and music and decided to check it out. I really have only two interests when shopping: books, the older the better; and music. Everything else, like food, clothing, and deodorant, are optional and waste money that could more profitably be spent on books. As I wondered the much editted selection of the store, which consisted mostly of Bollywood movies and American pop albums with black marker covering up the women (Shakira's album was, in fact, completely blacked out), I saw the recently released movies. There was "Enchanted" in Arabic, lots of Hollywood and Bollywood fare and, most surprising of all -- so surprising, in fact, that I am tempted to return to the store, camera in hand, just to take a picture if I thought they would not chase me out for doing so -- was the complete "Work and the Glory" series. Who marketed that here?! The box did not say whether the movie was translated or even subtitled in Arabic, but there it was right on the "Hot New Releases" shelf. Weird. It is a small world afterall.


Crystal said...

Wow Jon. It has been a long time. You sound like you have gone on some wonderful journies and are about to embark upon a great future in Saudi Arabia. Would love to get your email address to email you. Hope you are doing well and look forward to hearing from you.
Crystal (Cox) Hurst :)

Kristi said...

Hey Jonathan, I know we were close chums in high school but I wanted to let you know I think what you are doing is fascinating! I did a study abroad in Israel and visited Egypt as well and I adore the Middle East. My husband wants to live in Dubai but having never been there it freaks me out so I think we'll settle for finding a job in London. Not sure how small or big the Arabic speaking world in DC is, but my cousin lives and works there speaking Arabic. His name is Danny Loveridge in case you know him. Anyways, I just wanted you to know I enjoy reading about your adventures. Good luck with everything and travel safe.
Kristi (Loveridge) Higham

Kristi said...

I meant, "were not close chums" in the above post.
Also, if you ever need a date to some fancy ball with the princess, I'm available. My husband would totally understand! ;-)